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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Asheboro 'Drys' Get Religion About Zoning 

Asheboro wets celebrating the liquor vote last night.

The most complete reporting we've seen is in today's Greensboro News & Record.

The most curious wrinkle to emerge ... the drys are vowing to fight for stricter zoning laws in the city of Asheboro. Wha? Turn away from sin, O my brethren, and turn toward ... the Z Word!
[Asheboro First Baptist Church pastor John] Rogers said Christians in the area should work for strict zoning laws for businesses that serve alcohol and attempt to put church members on the new ABC board. "Someone who won't be afraid to give the Christian perspective," Rogers said.

We'll second that motion for strict zoning laws, but that suggestion about putting Baptists on the ABC Board will take some thought. Where I grew up, you wouldn't necessarily entrust a Baptist with the keys to your liquor cabinet.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ashboro Goes Wet 

From what we can see on the Randolph County Board of Elections site, liquor-by-the-drink seems to be winning, overwhelmingly.

Actually, there were four initiatives on the ballot: malt beverage election, unfortified wine election, ABC store election, and mixed beverage election. All seem to be passing by over 60 percent of the vote.

Sometimes, the threat of hellfire just isn't enough to swing an election.

According to the Ashboro Courier-Tribune, people seeking the election results were barred from going to the Randolph County Courthouse, where people have traditionally gone to see the vote tallied, because "Patsy Foscue, elections director, said she feared the possibility of confrontation between the pro- and anti-alcohol groups, regardless of which side wins."

And we thought Boone town elections were tough.

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ashboro Will Decide LBD Issue on Tuesday 

Ashboro may be a bellwether for Boone on the liquor-by-the-drink issue this coming Tuesday, so we'll be watching the returns with heightened interest. Ashboro, by the way, is the largest municipality left in N.C. that allows no alcoholic beverages whatsoever, not even beer and wine.

The Greensboro N&R has a big article up today on the battle. A few excerpts, just to show that nothing much is new under the sun: many, this is more than a vote. It's a battle for the soul of the city.

On one side: businesses and citizens who feel the city should allow adults to buy alcohol and reap the benefits in economic development when hotels, bars and restaurants flow in.

On the other: church groups and more conservative residents who want to preserve the city's dry tradition and believe alcohol is dangerous to the safety and character of Asheboro.

A furious debate has raged between the two groups for months. Campaigns on both sides have spent tens of thousands of dollars on newspaper and television ads. The arguments continue on blogs and in letters to the editor. Drive through town, and you'll see "For" or "Against" signs in the yard of nearly every house, in the windows of businesses and cars....

Incidentally, the Committee for the Future of Ashboro, the group pushing for legalization, is "a virtual who's-who of the city's business, civic and political leaders." If the vote on Tuesday fails, we suspect that some of those political leaders will be facing hot reelection battles when they have to run again. Come to think of it, if the vote succeeds, they'll all be in hot reelection battles too.

Maybe Ashboro is more conservative than Marion, but we doubt it, and LBD passed in Marion earlier this summer.

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