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Monday, August 10, 2009

Virginia Foxx, Changing the Subject 

Our in-box dinged minutes ago with a new e-mail from 5th District Representative Doctor Virginia Foxx. After competing with Michelle Backmann for National Laughingstock for Nutso Partisanship, she's decided to focus on other pressing issues.

What She Said
In the 1970's Richard Nixon appointed the nation's first "drug czar."

What She Meant
Watch this shiny object. You're feeling sleepy. You will forget the recent past.


What She Said
Presidents decreed the creation of "czars" to manage specific policy areas or national crises with no doubt the best of intentions.

What She Meant
I fry squash for my husband. He likes squash. I like squash too. I'm a sweet little grandmother, frying squash.


What She Said
Presidents view a powerful czar with sweeping jurisdiction as the quintessential problem solver.

What She Meant
I also cook beans. They're good with a little ham.


What She Said
But is it possible to have too many czars?

What She Meant
Have you forgotten what I'm not talking about yet?

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